by PEPAdmin | Nov 14, 2014 | Tips
You can go back to to the issue’s Table of Contents in one click by clicking on the article title in the article view. What’s more, it will take you to the specific place in the TOC where the article appears.
by PEPAdmin | Nov 14, 2014 | Tips
You can return with one click from a journal’s Table of Contents (TOC) to the Table of Volumes simply by clicking on “Volume n” at the top of the TOC (where n is the volume number).
by PEPAdmin | Nov 14, 2014 | Tips
The way you save a shortcut to an article on your desktop depends on what internet browser (and device) you are using. Safari Chrome Internet Explorer Opera
by PEPAdmin | Nov 14, 2014 | Tips
Pocket (formerly “Read-it-later”) is an excellent third-party plugin to browsers for saving bookmarks to PEP-Web pages, and categorizing them with tags. To save a bookmark to a PEP-Web Article: Use the plugin to “Save to Pocket” The article...
by PEPAdmin | Nov 14, 2014 | Tips
You can use Microsoft OneNote to take notes on PEP-Web. OneNote has some very nice and flexible note taking capabilities. You can take free form notes, you can copy fragments using the clipboard and paste to One Note, and Print to OneNote using the Print to One Note...
by PEPAdmin | Nov 13, 2014 | Tips
Evernote is a general note taking application that integrates with your browser. You can use it to save entire articles, bookmark articles, take notes, and more. It comes in both a free version which has limited synchronization capabilities, and also a subscription...
by PEPAdmin | Jul 17, 2014 | Archive, PEP-Web News
You can now sign up to be automatically notified by email whenever new content is added to PEP-Web. We’ll send an email listing the new articles that were added…and provide direct links to them as well! Click here for instructions on how to sign up for...
by PEPAdmin | Feb 28, 2014 | Archive, Featured News, PEP-Web News
The “What’s new” section on the left side of PEP-Web shows the latest additions to PEP-Web. New data is added, as available, towards the end of every week (late Thursday or Friday). So, for example, this week we’ve added: Brit. J. Psychother.,...
by PEPAdmin | Sep 23, 2013 | Archive, PEP-Web News
PEP has, in an interim release (v13), added the complete contents (67 volumes) of the German language journal Psyche – Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse to PEP Archive (1947-2013). Note that users of the Google Chrome browser can get translations of articles simply...
by PEPAdmin | Jul 17, 2013 | Archive, Featured News, PEP-Web News
We have now added video capabilities to PEP-Web, and have also added the first batch of videos! We treat videos like articles, and organize them into videostreams, which are like video journals. Best of all, the dialog for each video is transcribed, so the...