2017 UPDATE: Note that starting in January 2017, we require (if possible) you upload issues as individual articles PDF. See below for details.
Journals can be supplied in “Paper Only” or “Paper and PDF”. We can also accept “PDF Only” (by itself), but it is useful in any case to set up a subscription for the paper to our data input agency. This ensures timeliness of conversion and publication. XML is an extra option which can be helpful (see below).
Important Note: We need all issues as soon as they’re published! We will add current data to PEP-Web, but users will only see the abstracts, or the first page when no abstract is supplied, for any articles under date embargo.
Getting Started:
- For each new journal to be added, the Journal Information Form should be filled in and submitted. This includes data that will let us set up a dropbox for the PDF data to be distributed. The form should not be submitted until you have a signed contract with PEP to publish the journal. We will email you an invitation to a shared dropbox folder where you can deposit electronic files.
- Please let us know whether you are sending “Paper Only”, “Paper and PDF”, or “PDF Only”. We mark this in our inventory so we know what to expect.
Supply Procedure Overview
- Important: Please keep us up to date on the current data contact–the person we need to get in touch with if the supply of the journal falls behind.
- The Paper (Journal Subscription) should be sent directly to our to data input agency–Aptara. This ensures no issues will be missed, and they will be at least as timely as they are for subscribers. Paper journal subscriptions should be sent to:
Techbooks International Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No.37, Block-A, Sector-60 ,Gautam Budh Nagar, Noida – 201301
Uttar Pradesh
- The PDFs should be EXACTLY as in print, including the same page breaks and numbers.
- For fastest processing and to save scanning expense, PDFs of each issue (or volume) should be uploaded to our shared Dropbox (each journal has one we share). If you cannot use Dropbox, contact us and we will set up an account for you on our FTP site which is automatically copied over to our Dropbox when you update.
- We ask that you upload two versions. While we can best key from a whole issue PDF, as of January 2017, we need individual article PDFs, since beginning later this year we will allow users to download original PDFs instead of the PDFs generated from the keyed data in the interest of full accuracy of the data with the original journal formatting. If you only supply a full issue (or volume) PDF, we need to pay to have each issue PDF split into article PDFs.
- The full issue (or volume) PDF
- Individual article PDFs
- The files should be named for the journal or book code, followed by a period, followed by the volume number padded to 3 digits, followed by the issue number in parentheses if applicable (see the file naming section for examples):
- JrnlAbbr.Year.Vol(Issue).pdf (for whole issues)
and - JrnlAbbr.Year.Vol(Issue).StartPageNbr (for PDFs of individual articles)
- JrnlAbbr.Year.Vol(Issue).pdf (for whole issues)
- For all uploads, please include a separate TOC for the issue. See the file naming section for examples.
- Important notes about splitting issues into articles
- When an issue is split into separate article PDFs, while it’s best if there’s no overlap, don’t worry if there’s some redundancy when articles start in the middle of a page, after another article. Each PDF should have a complete article, even if there’s something extra from a previous or subsequent article.
- Before placing in our Dropbox, it’s best to ZIP the articles together and label the ZIP file per the issue naming rules below,
e.g., AIM.1941.002(3).zip
- If XML is available, it should be supplied alongside the PDFs with the same file name (but having an XML extension).
- The XML DTD used must be supplied and discussed in advance with PEP. Right now, we can accept and prefer data coded to the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS DTD).
- The XML must include page breaks and numbers representing the same pagination as the printed edition to be useful/cost effective to PEP. Since JATS doesn’t support page numbers, they must be coded using processing instructions. Contact us for more information.
- Figures/illustrations can be supplied in TIF or JPG format. It is not necessary to supply them separately if only supplying paper.
- Other Formats: e.g., if Word files, or HTML is available, it can be helpful to supply this as well (if there’s no XML)
- While not as desirable as XML, since they require extra manual effort, these formats can still be helpful because they may eliminate the need to re-key everything.
- File naming must be standardized…each article must carry the volume, issue, and starting page number per the rules above for PDFs.
- Supplying these are still an “addition”…we must also receive PDF or printed copy.
- If article DOIs (CrossRef Document Identifiers) are available but not printed on the article, they should be supplied in a text/doc file showing the DOI for each article. DOIs allow us to link back to your site for current content behind the publication wall…so they are important!
- If articles are a translation of another article, for example in the various Annuals which are translations of IJP, each article should include a footnote on the first page or other clearly indicated reference to the original article. If that is not included, please supply a mapping with each article , for example, as below:
- Lead time between when we receive the issue and it’s appearance on PEP is about four weeks.
File Naming Examples
- For Electronic delivery of PDF files, (As of January 2017) they shall be delivered as a set of PDFs, one per article and one for the Table of Contents (TOC). In addition, it can be helpful to provide a PDF containing the full issue, if you have it.
- We ask that you name the PDFs as follows.Individual Article Naming:
- {JrnlAbbr}.{Year}.{Vol}({Issue}).{StartingPageNumber}
- We ask that you name the PDFs as follows.Individual Article Naming:
where jrnlAbbr is the abbreviation agreed upon with PEP, and ({issue}) is optional, but mandatory if each issue of a volume restarts with page 1.
- Examples
- By Article:
- Sample issue of Psyche 2011 volume 65 issue 1, separated articles (note that if page numbers do not restart with each issue, issue number in parentheses is optional):
- PSYCHE.2011.065.0001.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065.0030.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065.0063.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065.0084.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065.0088.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065.0091.pdf
- For issues where page numbering is restarted in each issue with 1, be sure and include the issue number, e.g., 1 in parentheses below:
- Issue 1
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).TOC.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).0001.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).0030.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).0063.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).0084.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).0088.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).0091.pdf
- Issue 2:
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).TOC.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0001.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0038.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0062.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0081.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0098.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0101.pdf
- Issue 1
- Sample issue of Psyche 2011 volume 65 issue 1, separated articles (note that if page numbers do not restart with each issue, issue number in parentheses is optional):
- Examples for naming full issues, or volumes:
- A single issue, with separate TOC:
- Issue 1:
- IJAPS.2006.003(1).pdf
- IJAPS.2006.003(1).TOC.pdf
- Issue 2:
- IJAPS.2006.003(2).pdf
- IJAPS.2006.003(2).TOC.pdf
- Issue 1:
- A single, complete volume (61) in a PDF for Psychoanalytic Study
of the Child for 2006:- PSC.2006.061.pdf
- PSC.2006.061.TOC.pdf
- A single issue, with separate TOC:
- By Article:
- Figures/Illustrations. Although we can extract figures from the PDF, it’s more cost effective and efficient when we also get them as separate files along with the PDF. They should be named as the base article and suffixed with FIG and the figure number. Add the suffix FIG001 where the number indicates the corresponding figure number in the document. If the figure is not numbered, the number in the file name can be arbitrary, but must be larger than 900 to indicate this. The number should be padded to 3 digits with leading Zeros. Add the file extension (PDF, TIF, BMP, JPG, as appropriate).
- Example:
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0038.FIG001.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0062.FIG001.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0062.FIG002.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0062.FIG003.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0101.FIG001.pdf
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).0101.FIG002.pdf
- Example:
- ZIP files can be named similarly, with the correct extension .ZIP instead of PDF
- PSYCHE.2011.065(1).zip
- PSYCHE.2011.065(2).zip