When viewing an item on PEP-Web, you will always see a URL in your browser’s address bar, which you can save by copy and pasting it. This can be useful if you wish to share article links for readings lists, etc. Depending on how you reach the article through PEP-Web (searching, browsing, etc), you will often need to ‘clean’ this URL to save and use it as a direct link.
Here, we provide a few examples to show how to capture an article link correctly.
A direct PEP URL should always end with what is known as the “document ID” – this is a code which identifies the source of the article involving an acronym (representing the journal or book) and various numbers, eg. IPL.064.0001A (where IPL stands for the International Psycho-Analytical Library).
Below are some examples of URLs which would need cleaning, you can see the parts that are not required for a direct link have been struck through.
- https://pep-web.org/browse/
document/IPL.064.0001A#/ Document/ IPL.064.0015A.P0015 - https://pep-web.org/browse/
document/ZBK.017.0000A#/ Document/ ZBK.017.0038A.P0038 - https://pep-web.org/search/document/AJP.052.0351A
?page=P0351&searchTerms=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22title%22%2C%22term%22%3A%22charles%20dickens%22%7D%5D - https://pep-web.org/browse/document/SE.001.0000A
Here they are again, as direct links:
- https://pep-web.org/browse/document/IPL.064.0001A
- https://pep-web.org/browse/document/ZBK.017.0000A
- https://pep-web.org/search/document/AJP.052.0351A
- https://pep-web.org/browse/document/SE.001.0000A
When you open a new tab in your browser and enter or copy and paste this direct URL into the address bar it will take you directly to the article, book, book chapter, or video in question.
You can find a full list of PEP acronyms on our support page for librarians here: https://support.pep-web.org/for-librarians/