Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

Tip: To find an Author in a Video…

To find an Author in a Video, go to the Search Section found on the top left side of the homepage. Then, select “All Video Streams” in the Source menu. Finally, write the name of the Author in the “Search for Words or Phrases in Context” area and click the...

Tip: To sort articles by Rank…

You can specify Rank as the sort order when searching (it’s the default) which will put the articles which best matched your search on the top, and the complete results in descending relevance to your search.    This feature is useful for finding the most...

Tip: To use OneNote for note taking…

You can use Microsoft OneNote to take notes on PEP-Web.  OneNote has some very nice and flexible note taking capabilities. You can take free form notes, you can copy fragments using the clipboard and paste to One Note, and Print to OneNote using the Print to One Note...

Tip: To use Evernote for note taking…

Evernote  is a general note taking application that integrates with your browser.  You can use it to save entire articles, bookmark articles, take notes, and more. It comes in both a free version which has limited synchronization capabilities, and also a subscription...