Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

Tip: To view statistics of the most cited journal articles

To review statistics and keep track of the “Most Cited” journal articles on PEP-Web go here: To find this page from the PEP-Web homepage, first login to your personal PEP account using the Sign In form. Next, ensure that your...

The New PEP-Web! Try it on our test site … …

PEP-Web has been completely re-designed for ease of viewing, searching, and reading.  It now adjusts to your screen size, supporting phones and tablets, allows you to customize the information you see, and save to your preferences.  It has been designed for...

Tip: Understanding Rank

Rank refers to the search engine’s “best guess” as to the relevance of the result to the search you specified.  The exact method of ranking used varies a bit depending on the search.  In its most basic level, when you specify a single search term, rank looks at the density of the matches for the word in the document, and how close to the beginning of the document they appear as a measure of importance to the paper’s topic. 

Tip: To see papers related to the one you are viewing…

When there are articles or videos related to the one you are viewing, you will see a related papers icon next to the title, like this: For example: Click on it and you will see a bibliographic list of papers that are related (including the current one).  Related...

Tip: To sort articles by author…

While performing a search, you can sort the articles by Author in the Search section. This will rearrange the results of your search alphabetically according to the author’s surname. This feature is useful to quickly locate the work of a specific author.