Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

Tip: To sort articles by Rank…

You can specify Rank as the sort order when searching (it’s the default) which will put the articles which best matched your search on the top, and the complete results in descending relevance to your search.    This feature is useful for finding the most...

Announcing a Completely Revamped Author Index

As promised, we are adding many new features this year.  Now, we are pleased to announce that we have completely redesigned the workings of the author index.  This index is now in place on PEP-Web, though we need your help to complete the transition. The author index...

What’s New!

As promised, we are going to be adding new features to PEP throughout 2015. Today we rolled out a new feature to the IJPOpen Table of Contents where you can change the default presentation order from Section (category) based, to sort instead by the Most Recent...

Announcing the PEP-Web 2015 Release!

We have great things in store for you this year!  There are lots of exciting new features planned, and rather than our traditional schedule of a data release in January, and a midyear “all-at-once” feature release, we will be starting a new continuous...