Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

Tip: To sort articles by author…

While performing a search, you can sort the articles by Author in the Search section. This will rearrange the results of your search alphabetically according to the author’s surname. This feature is useful to quickly locate the work of a specific author.

2015 Midyear News Update

2015 Video Competition There will be no Video competition in 2015. If you believe you have a very good idea for video project please contact Find out about the successful film projects here. PEP Author Video Interview Project A new Video Project...

Tip: To use the Information icon…

The Information icon (an i in a circle) will give you valuable information about PEP Web data and features. You can find it besides a PEP Web feature and the author’s name in every journal article. Simply move the mouse pointer over the icon and click on it for...

Tip: To zoom in or out on PEP-Web…

Are you having difficulty reading an article due its font size?  In order to make the content on PEP-Web larger (zoom in), press Ctrl (on Windows) or ⌘Command (on the Mac) and the plus sign (+).  Press Ctrl (on Windows) or ⌘Command (on the Mac) and the minus sign (-)...