Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

2015 Midyear News Update

2015 Video Competition There will be no Video competition in 2015. If you believe you have a very good idea for video project please contact Find out about the successful film projects here. PEP Author Video Interview Project A new Video Project...

Tip: To use the Information icon…

The Information icon (an i in a circle) will give you valuable information about PEP Web data and features. You can find it besides a PEP Web feature and the author’s name in every journal article. Simply move the mouse pointer over the icon and click on it for...

Tip: To zoom in or out on PEP-Web…

Are you having difficulty reading an article due its font size?  In order to make the content on PEP-Web larger (zoom in), press Ctrl (on Windows) or ⌘Command (on the Mac) and the plus sign (+).  Press Ctrl (on Windows) or ⌘Command (on the Mac) and the minus sign (-)...

Tip: To bookmark an article…

Want to save an article in your browser’s Bookmarks for quick access? Press Ctrl + D and a dialogue box will open asking how you want to save it.