Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

PEP Books

Current Book Content

Here is the complete list of books currently available to PEP Web subscribers (excluding 24 hour subscriptions):

Freud’s Collected Works:

Glossaries and Dictionaries:

  • Laplanche, J. and Pontalis, J. B. (1973). The Language of Psycho-Analysis.
  • PEP Consolidated Psychoanalytic Glossary (2016), which integrates:
    Auchincloss , E. L.and Samberg, , E. (2012). Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts. New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Hinshelwood, R. D. (1989). A Dictionary of Kleinian Thought. London: Free Association Books.
    Laplanche, J., & Pontalis, J. B. (1973). The Language of Psychoanalysis. New York/London: W. W. Norton.
    Moore, B., & Fine, B. D. (1968). A Glossary of Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts. New York: American Psychoanalytic Association.
    Junkers, G. EPF Glossary of Psychoanalysis in Europe. London: Karnac Books.
    Skelton, R.(Ed.). (2006). The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Titles:

PEP Preview Books

Books in the Preview collection are fully integrated into the PEP archive. On entering your search terms, Preview titles containing a match will be linked in your search results. A significant portion of each book is available to view, and if you find a book you like, there are direct links to the publishers where you can purchase a copy.

Book Acquisition Policy

To date, books added to PEP-Web have been identified as “classic” and available via copyright permission to digitize. Copyright permission can be complex to negotiate and may limit PEP’s capacity to add important titles. This document outlines the criteria and method of identifying books to add to the collection. Any user of PEP-Web may nominate psychoanalytic books to be considered for the archive.

Criteria for Book Acquisition:

  1. The book has original content, not a compilation of previously published papers.
  2. The book (1) has reached a certain threshold of citations in the PEP Archive (number still to be determined but in the range of 100+ per year over a decade of scholarship) that identifies its usefulness to the collection OR (2) is selected by the PEP Advisory Committee comprised of individuals from the list of the most downloaded authors based on a process of nomination and voting by the Advisory Committee OR (3) is nominated by PEP users on the website. At least 100 users in one calendar year have to request a book from a list of nominations. Book nominations need only one or two users but require at least 12 independent nominations to move from the nominations long-list to the voting short-list.
  3. Once identified digital rights must be obtained from the copyright holder at no excessive expense to PEP.

Scope of the Collection:

PEP’s objective is to comprehensively collect the world’s psychoanalytic literature. Book titles are added when they meet the criteria listed above and as copyright permissions are obtained. The following subject domains are included in PEP.

Priority Acquisitions:

  1. Classic Books representing all major theoretical points-of-view
  2. Books representing advances in technique
  3. Books representing psychoanalytic perspectives on development, psychopathology and neuroscience
  4. Textbooks frequently assigned in institute classes
  5. Published histories, biographies and letters of major psychoanalytic authors
  6. Classic books in all languages currently contained in PEP

Secondary Acquisitions:

Books from allied fields written from a psychoanalytic perspective (such as but not exclusively):

  • Film
  • Literature
  • History
  • Political
  • Science
  • Economics