Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

This release provides another year of all current publications which move out of the publisher’s embargo period: subscribers will have access to the 2018 issues of current journals with 3-year embargoes, and 2016 issues of journals with 5-year embargoes.

In addition, we have added 4 new journals!

➡ Journal of Psychological Therapies

➡ Oedipus Annual – Greek Annual Psychoanalytic Review

➡ Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China

➡ The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy

A fifth journal is also in preparation:

➡ Psychoanalysis Culture and Society

Scheduled for an intermediate release in a few months, a selection of article abstracts are available now to subscribers.

IJP-Open returns to PEP-Web!

➡ IJP-Open – Open Peer Review and Debate

IJP-Open articles and commentary are accessible to all PEP-Web subscribers. Tip: Look for the “speech bubbles” icon, located next to the article’s “print” and “download” icons to open and join in the discussion.

With this release, we are also including fixes for many of the issues, which users have reported with the initial phase of the new PEP-Web interface. We will continue to do so, and to add and develop new features that benefit our users. Please help us improve by providing feedback and reporting errors using the “Help” icon.

This new release of PEP-Web contains the complete text and illustrations of 83 premier journals in psychoanalysis, 100 classic psychoanalytic books, 104 videos, and the full text and editorial notes of the 24 volumes of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud as well as the 19 volume German Freud Standard Edition – Gesammelte Werke. It spans over 110 publication years and contains the full text of articles whose source ranges from 1911 through 2021. There are over 139,936 articles and 18,773 figures and illustrations that originally resided on 2591 volumes with over 1.25 million printed pages. In hard copy, the PEP-Web Archive represents a stack of paper more than 409 feet high and weighing over 5 tons!